92nd Annual Exhibition – Continuum
After many months of work by the RGA Exhibitions Team, RGA Council, and RGA members, the 92nd Annual Exhibition – Continuum at the Old Fire Station Gallery in Henley opened on 21st July 2023. Over 140 artworks by RGA exhibiting members are on display. A private view held on Friday evening was attended by many RGA members, families, and friends at which the winners of the Marie Dyson and Pauline Mercier Awards were announced by this year’s assessor Dr Hannah Lyons. Congratulations to the winners Jenny Halstead and Shirley Smith. The exhibition is open daily 10 am – 4 pm until 1st August.
As well as the work displayed inside the gallery, there is a virtual gallery outside the Old Fire Station using augmented reality that can be viewed using your phone using the URL henleyfirestation.walls.ar. Thank you to whizwall.com for setting this up.