Lively Line and Wash Portraits

Liz Chaderton
24th November 2023
We are all drawn to look at faces from the moment we are born, but portraits can have a rather scary reputation. However, they don’t have to be intimidating. The skills to capture a likeness and the skill set to paint a portrait are equally important but distinct. In this workshop, we will use a light pad to place contours and features and concentrate on the line and wash technique to bring character and life to our lively portrait.
Liz will supply light pads to facilitate the transfer and reference images for you to choose from. However, Liz doesn’t have enough light pads for everyone, so if you have one, it would be useful to bring it. Otherwise, you will need to share.
You will need:
A piece of 140lb watercolour paper NOT surface – a quarter imperial sheet / 17×13 ins / 43x33cm. Liz will be using Bockingford, but do bring your preferred paper.
Black pigment ink pen (fineliner) – 0.5mm is ideal or bring a selection if you already have them.
Watercolour supplies – paint, brushes (at least a size 8 or larger), palette, water containers, pencil, eraser, spray bottle, kitchen towel, etc.
If you have pastel pencils please bring them, as you may wish to use them to add contours and other marks. Conte a Paris does a great set of six for around £7.50 online or at Hobbycraft should you wish to treat yourself.
Check out the other planned RGA Fridays Workshops.