
Sense of Space Exhibition at South Hill Park

South Hill Park
RG12 7PA

9th April 2022

22nd May 2022

South Hill Park invited members of the Reading Guild of Artists to present new work in response to the concept ‘a sense of space’; from paintings, prints, and textiles to ceramics, sculptures, and installations, the artwork is brought together by this common theme.

Artists have always drawn inspiration from the world around them, the spaces in which they find themselves, or from where they work, live, and have their being. They are also used to working in isolation, but recent times may have presented more time in which to appreciate and respond to their surroundings in a new way.

“Sense of Space” encouraged the viewer to look, to see, to connect in a deeper way with their own memories, experiences, and feelings inspired by the world about them.

There was a complimentary Meet the Artists event held Sun 15 May where the public was invited to join the conversation with participating artists as they talked about the exhibition and their work.

Check out the other RGA Exhibitions.

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