Gladys M Brodribb
Although this is a scene of 1932 rebuilding work carried out in Reading town, it could easily be repeated today, with the sights of cranes and building work happening wherever you go. [Highlighted: Jan 2023]
This work is titled Rebuilding Crown Bridge Reading 1932 and was presented by the artist. An etching with a similar subject titled Rebuilding the King’s Road Bridge, Reading was exhibited at the Reading Guild of Artists 2nd Annual Exhibition, November 2nd – 30th 1932 Reading Art Gallery.
The King’s Road Reading crosses the river Kennet twice, Crown Bridge crosses just south of the Abbey Ruins. The other is King’s Bridge further to the East crossing the canal section.
Gladys Minola Brodribb and her husband Dr Francis Brodribb had been members of the Reading Guild of Artists since the beginning in 1930 and were described as ‘pillars’ of the Guild. Both she and her husband were artists of note who had exhibited at leading national galleries. She was described as an extremely competent etcher by William Wilder (a fellow member) and was at home with a range of print-making techniques and watercolour. She exhibited twice at the Royal Academy’s Summer Exhibition, with two works in 1934, and one in 1942.
All through the Second World War Gladys didn’t miss exhibiting at a single RGA Annual Exhibition, so her death on 1st January 1946 was sorely felt. Four of her works were included in the 1946 Annual Exhibition as a memorial.