Museum Highlight

Jack Orford

Take a step into this magical wintery scene by a former RGA Chair who “devoted much of his spare time to the arts and painting.”   [Highlighted: December 2024]

Chiltern Woods, Winter
by Jack Orford (1913 – 2004)

Date: About 1974

RGA member 1960 – 2004
Exhibition secretary 1968 – 1973
Chairman 1974 – 1975 and 1984 – 1985
Vice president 1976 – 1983
Life member from 1987

Reading Museum Accession Number
REDMG : 1974.639.1

Chiltern Woods, Winter was exhibited at the Reading Guild of Artists 44th Annual Exhibition, Reading Museum and Art Gallery 11 May – 1 June 1974, the same year the artist became chairman of the Guild. 

The Chiltern Hills is a chalk escarpment in the Southeast of England and has been a designated Area of Outstanding Natural beauty since 1965.  The Chilterns is today one of the most wooded areas in England with beech woods and areas of ancient woodland. 

Jack Orford joined the RGA in 1960 and served the RGA for many years and in various ways. According to “A History of the Reading Guild of Artists 1930 – 1980” by EV Watson, Jack Orford was said to have had ‘considerable experience of art societies elsewhere’ such as the Whitchurch Art and Craft Show (where the Orford Cup is presented to the best exhibit in the art section), and the Oxford Art Society

He was almost immediately made chairman of a new Social Subcommittee alongside Marie Dyson as secretary (see Marie Dyson Award). The RGA was at the time seen to be providing far too little for its members compared to other societies! Through their initiative and drive there developed a wealth of cultural events and social occasions.

Orford worked his way though many notable positions in the RGA’s Council being Exhibition Secretary 1968 – 1973, Chairman 1974  – 75 and 1984 – 85 and Vice President 1976 – 1983 alongside President Robert Gillmor. 

He was a member until he died in 2004, having been made a life member in 1987.

In 1993 Jack had an exhibition of his work displayed at the Woodcote Library. A newspaper cutting of the time says “…an amateur artist from Whitchurch… former local government employee, Orford has devoted much of his spare time to the arts and painting. Watercolour is his chief medium he also exhibited pen and ink drawings”.

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