Charity Art Exhibition continues at the RBH

The Reading Guild of Artists (RGA) is pleased to announce the return to the 2nd-floor link corridor of the Royal Berkshire Hospital for its 27th Charity Art Sale. The exhibition opens on the 4th of July and runs until the 27th of August and 25% of sales will be donated to the ‘Royal Berks Charity’.
Once again visitors to the hospital will be able to see the very high standard of art works produced by members of the RGA. Most people wouldn’t necessarily choose to walk along the corridors of their local hospital but the RGA’s Exhibition Secretary, Trish Roberts, knows that beautiful artworks displayed well cannot fail to lift the spirits of those visitors, as well as NHS staff, who find themselves at the RBH. Members of the Guild are also keen to share their artistic vision as well as their skills and are happy to support the NHS by donating 25% of sales of their work to the Royal Berks.