Fabulous Flowers & Foliage!

Tutor: Karen Carter
23rd June 2024
10:00 am - 4:00 pm
Cost Per Person: £42
A fun day creating lively and colourful images on a flower theme using a variety of painting and printing techniques.
Learn how to make your own stamps using a range of easily available materials including foam, polystyrene, and vegetables! Then combine with some sploshy paint techniques using feathers, fingers and scraggy brushes, along with a bit of spattering and a doodle with dip pens!
These will be used to print stylized flowers and foliage – and maybe the odd bird or butterfly! The techniques we use can be adapted to all sorts of subject matter and are perfect for printing on paper or fabric to make mini works of art, textiles or greeting cards.
What to bring:
- Reference & Inspiration – this can be actual flowers or sketchbooks / photos.
- Watercolour paper or mixed media paper or heavy cartridge (approx. 200gsm).
- Calico or cotton if you want to work on fabric in addition to paper – some of the techniques translate well to textiles.
- Scissors and/or craft knife.
- Acrylic paints – whatever you have – if buying specially just buy primary colours and white or tube watercolours plus a tube of white gouache.
- Mixing palette /old plate, brushes (whatever you have).
- Kitchen roll, water pot, Kitchen sponge.
- Thin biro or gel pen and hard and soft pencil e.g 2H and 2B if you have them.
- Metallic paints or pens, and a dip pen if you have them (not essential).
- Fruit & Veg – carrots, okra, small lemons or limes, pak choi etc (Tutor will also bring some).
The tutor will bring printing materials, dip pens, mediums, etc. The cost for these is included in the workshop cost.
Check out the other planned Summer Workshops.