A Taste of Spain – Figure Drawing with a Clothed Model
Tutor: Clare Buchta
27th September 2024
7:00 pm - 9:30 pm
Cost Per Person: RGA Members - £8
Non-RGA members - £12
Several short poses with dynamic dance movements by the Spanish dance model accompanied by flamenco music, followed by longer poses by the model seated at a tapas bar.
Looking to use flat brushes and paint to get a quick impression of the movement and proportions, with over-drawing using charcoal or chinagraph pencils.
Paper, chinagraph, and charcoal pencils will be available.
Please bring a table covering, water pots, flat brushes (various sizes), acrylic or gouache paints, a palette, and A3 heavyweight cartridge or watercolour paper.
Check out the other planned RGA Fridays Workshops.